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25 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - new feature suggestion - casual rating view#4

#2 I see what you're saying, all the point is that only you can see your casual rating, and not other people, so it's not like the normal rating. And I think I play much better at casual games, and it…

Lichess Feedback - new feature suggestion - casual rating view#1

Hi, I have a suggestion to a new feature which can be nice, the visual rating will be the rating that all the other players would see, as it is now, but anyone would have a chance to check their profi…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion - Multiple Premoves#14

#11 I think just clicking on any square on the board to cancel premove would be good enough, like lichess has now. If you made three premoves and after the opponent's first reply you want to cancel th…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion - Multiple Premoves#7

#5 The bullet games in lichess are already pretty dirty, this makes all the fun! at least for me, I think more spice to some crazy falging super-fast dead-drawn endgames will be fun

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion - Multiple Premoves#1

It will be great if you can make several premoves at once, for example : If I play(as black) the moves g6 Bg7 b6 Bb7 begore the game starts, the will be played automatically in this order as the game …

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Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Number 41634 - Solution Update#1

Hi, at the puzzle at the link : The correct solution by the computer is 1..Qa7+ 2.Rc5 d:c5 and black is winning, he has alot of threats like c4 etc. Another identical…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Number 60017 - update solution#1

link to the puzzle : my solution is : 1...Qh3+ 2.Kg1 f3 3.Rxg7+ Kxg7 4.Re7+ Kf6 5.Rg7 Kxg7 6. Bf8+ Kxf8 and the "correct" solution is 6.Bf8+ Kf7 There is no differ…
