
Search "user:EugeneJudo"

148 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Insights#2

Also perhaps at different rating ranges. I'm not as interested in how I performed when my average rating was 400 points lower than it is now.

Off-Topic Discussion - Pawn structure mathematical challenge#9

#8 the majority of the positions will probably be completely dead, but since they can be achieved somehow they should be counted! For example:…

Off-Topic Discussion - Pawn structure mathematical challenge#7

#4 Yes assume standard stating position, and all positions that can be achieved in a legal amount of moves (I don't think the 50 move rule should be a problem but I maybe wrong) #5 since whites pawns …

Off-Topic Discussion - Pawn structure mathematical challenge#2

Also I neglected to mention at if the b pawn moves to the c file and the d pawn is gone, then you won't be able to tell just by looking at the structure which pawn it was. Consider this a distinct pos…

Off-Topic Discussion - Pawn structure mathematical challenge#1

Let us define a pawn structure as any legal configuration of pawns on the chess board. Calculate the total amount of discrete pawn structures that can arise from legal positions for White. The placeme…

Off-Topic Discussion - Arrows mathematics challenge#10

Alright i'll create a new thread for a more difficult "counting" challenge. It'll be a bit harder to validate the answer for this one though.

Off-Topic Discussion - Arrows mathematics challenge#1

Here's a question, what is the maximum amount of arrows that you can draw on the chessboard. It doesn't matter what color you use because a green arrow overlapping a red arrow will have the same effec…

General Chess Discussion - Rated tournament#2

You cannot at the moment parameterise rating ranges for tournaments. In the past I believe it was discussed that doing so would greatly limit the amount of people that would join; and for this particu…

General Chess Discussion - What if a chess site were set up to completely eliminate rude behavior?#2

I can understand where you're coming from with this however what you want is simply unattainable. It's too idealistic and a nightmare to maintain because everything is subjective. The best thing you c…

Lichess Feedback - Top 100 trophy should be permanent (should not appear and disappear)#3

When I think about a trophy like the Stanley Cup, it isn't something that the winning team gets and then keeps. If the team doesn't win the next year then they hand the cup over to the newly won team.…
