
How do I increase chances of one of my games becoming a chess puzzle?

Hey, guys!

I love solving chess puzzles and I like the concept that it uses some from real games from real users, however I think I must've played over 1000 games and yet not a single of my games had a position that became a chesspuzzle. Why is that so?
Do I have to play, like, more brilliantly?
Running the analysis for every game will increase your chances from 0 to greater than 0.
why do you think you would have a game be adopted as puzzle? chances are slim, and most of us, like me, never have [more than 1000 games] do you have one you think is worthy of a puzzle? show it to us.
once you're in the lead by engine evaluation (most evidently, lead by material), you're most likely not creating puzzle situations. Since puzzles are situations where you turn a game from lost/equal to winning by a unique sequence of moves.
It seems weird that there is not a single game of mine in there, even though I've seen several puzzle positions that looked identical to my setup & structure.
@scarpentus wow. thanks. I didn't know that == and didn't know there was a way to look it up. how do you?
so, I retract my previous comment
I'm just an average wood-pusher. I'm surprised that so many of my moves were found "puzzle-worthy"
now I will go back through them and see if I can find the good moves again
@sparowe14 said in #9:
> @scarpentus wow. thanks. I didn't know that == and didn't know there was a way to look it up. how do you?
> so, I retract my previous comment
> I'm just an average wood-pusher. I'm surprised that so many of my moves were found "puzzle-worthy"
> now I will go back through them and see if I can find the good moves again

Be careful what you wish for....some of them might be against you, or you missed the move. Just because there is a puzzle from one of our games does not mean the move was found or the move was made in the game. :-)

A few from my games I was on the losing side, or I didn't see the the move. Cheers

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