
My opponent blundered the queen and leaves

As I sayd in the title, very often people leave the game after a bad move. I have to wait more than a minute to get the possibility to win.
Is there any way to block players, when they do it more than once.
I mean in advance to block everybody who has a completment rate less than 90% or something like that?
I remember one case when my opponent left after a bad move. I wanted to give him a chance to win. I had been waiting for him for a long time. I didnt want to announce my victory only because he left inspite of the fact he blundered the queen. It was a game with a long time control and i deceided to check my e-mail while waiting. My opponent made a move and announced his victory. Its not honest. It was the only way for him to escape loss.This game was rated. Of course, he understood that i wanted to give him a chance to win. I think its a good idea to block players who acts like this.
@Makropoulos Yes, when I blunder the queen I resign. I dont like to ask my opponent for a take back. Its not serious. Sometimes I ask my friends to allow me takeback in casual game (not rated) with the purpose to practice and learn something. But one person asked me to give him takeback about 15 or 20 times after each blunder and I granted it and as a result I lost rated game. Its over.
Completion rate is not precisely a measure of ragequits/manners, likewise 100% completion doesn't guarantee sportsmanship.

Just block on a case by case basis irrespective of profile strength.
I have to agree with the original post, this is unfortunately an annoying occurrence. People ending up in a losing position, or let's say a position they do not feel like playing on with .... and just leaving. Now, you always have to factor in other circumstances (network issues, Batman knocks at your door to deliver homebaked cookies ... you get the drift), but even with this caveat, I think most of us have a pretty good sense of when the abovementioned happens.

And some people really take the cake, recently I played a 3 minute blitz game, did actually grant the opponent a takeback request, only for him to then silently disappear one move (that one did not turn out to his/her liking, either) ... I mean ... huh?

So what I do in these cases, I sigh and block the player in question (If I feel sure it was a deliberate "leaving silently" thing), so at least I do not have to come across said person again.
Part and parcel of being on the internet, I guess, most of the time I have very pleasant, corteous, fun encounters here, but some - since you do not really "see" your opponent, and it is not "real" - just behave very selfishly.

But banning the other person is to late. I do that anyway but I have to wait a longer time until the game counts as a win for me.It would be much better to block people with a completion rate less than 90%. Or lets say everybody can make such a setting of his own.
Excessive takeback-ness is extremely stupid.
@White_Queen_1990 #2

"... I wanted to give him a chance to win."

Very generous. But arent't we in it to win? Long-term, at any level? It looks like you have been outwit. You should take advantage from any blunder in a rated game, despite as annoying or tragic it might be.

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