

These are very interesting... but I wonder if one adjustment could be made?

It seems to me that it would be most interesting and useful to be able to look at statistics between specific dates.
Also perhaps at different rating ranges. I'm not as interested in how I performed when my average rating was 400 points lower than it is now.
I agree...

My play is better now than it was, but the movement of my average CP loss, for instance, changes virtually not at all as I've nearly 10,000 games under my belt :)
Yes, having some limiting time frame like with the rating graph would be nice indeed. +1
I would love to see this too. Would be an excellent tool to monitor progress.
What do the mods think about this? It makes sense, surely...
I agree. The chess insights are currently not too useful for me as they mostly show insights about games from when I was rated much lower.
+1 totally agree. would be really helpful to see if your work, training has a measurable effect.

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