
Not sure where to put this but......

Played a game tonight did not log in and this is the abuse I got not standing for it I come to play a game of chess not to be abused by someone that thinks they are better then someone else I’m absolutely fuming this is why I hate online chess or any games on line people have no respect for others at all.
Next time, after the first not-nice phrase from your opponent on the chat, simply untick the chatroom field. And enjoy, focus on chess without chat.

Being Abused on chat can be as annoying, as not using punctuation marks on the forum..
Yes, unticking the chat room is a must .
On the other side, we have to consider that our worse enemy is always a little bit right.
In this position, chess etiquette says white should probably have resigned a long time ago. So black may have thought white was in fact the aggressor, hence the abuse.

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