
Clocks on the left

I play chess on desktop on Google Chrome with my right hand. That means that my hand is covering up the clocks when I play. This makes it very difficult to manage time scrambles because I have to move my hand to see the clock. I wish I could move the clocks to the left, similarly to OTB chess where the clock can b moved to the other side of the board. I tried inspect element, but I can't find a way to rearrange the layout of the whole page. Inspect element just seems to work well for changing text, which doesn't help me here.
@geographybuff said in #1:
> I play chess on desktop on Google Chrome with my right hand.

I'm surprised you don't prefer a mouse.
@bufferunderrun said in #2:
> You can try Streamer Layout with Stylus, see

Thanks. I just did this and made an edit for my personal play style. Then, I immediately broke 2100 in bullet for the first time. I credited you in my profile because of it.

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