
Training exercise lost because of network error


I was solving this and played the correct moves up until 5.a8=Q which is the last white move, black played Re1.
This was in the iphone app.
At this point I got an alert saying that there was no internet connection but that I could still play offline.
I was connected to my apartment's wi-fi and half watching a youtube video, so internet was working (even if the video is buffered).
Because I did not get the message that the puzzle was solved or lost, nor the possibility to move to the next puzzle I thought it was one of those puzzles that need like one last move so I played Qg8+, a move that doesn't lose and looks to start an attack against the king. Then I got the message that I lost the puzzle.
I tried it again in the web browser in my laptop and every move was correct and this time I got the message that I succeeded but I checked in the history and it shows that I lost the previous attempt, even when I made every correct move, if anything I made one extra move beyond the ones assigned to the puzzle.

I expected that if the connection is lost then:
1- No more moves are allowed until a connection is established
2- Or the moves be allowed and when checking if they are valid to count until the ones the puzzle has assigned, remember that black did play his last move Re1

What actually happened (recap):
1- I was allowed to move beyond the moves assigned to the puzzle
2- Even though (all my moves - 1) were correct I got it wrong, my last move was neither correct nor incorrect, the puzzle just did not have it, to put it in another what I imagine happened is something like this:

var correct_moves = [move1, move2, move3, move4, move5];
var entered_moves = get_entered_moves();
if (entered_moves.length > correct_moves) {
return false;

and entered moves was allowed to grow greater because of a network issue.
ok, try this out, it worked for me:

for (int i = 1; i > 0; i++) {
while (training_answer = 'wrong') {
training_answer = keep_training();

nah just kidding, same thing happened to me a while ago, it would be good idea to solve that bug
@jamesnebeker because of the typo on = but the idea is funny :)

I actually take some pride in my tactical rating and would like for more love to be given to this area, like having it on the site bell graph as we have the other ratings, that would be nice and would push me to be better at puzzles, but this is a discussion for another thread
I know but I'm still confused on why keep_training is a function, haha.
I fear that with the new updates breaking some more used features this will not get enough attention. I however saw that the dev team put a Vagrantfile to set up local dev envs, if I find enough time I will gladly look into the source code myself :)

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