
Wow what a move...

H7-B6 and you have it! after you have move your king to G2, what black does in next step its not mutch, its just a matter of time for black.. Well thats what I think, ofcourse I can have tottaly wrong ^^
Looks scary but not deadly. Position became too difficult, and your king is naked.

Toljamo, in your post white won. I think it should be 1-0.
1. Kg2...Rxf1 Pretty sure Black is ok. Like proof said, scary, but not deadly. White isn't even winning any material from what I see, just chasing the king until he can't mate. Black's pieces are all secure, and structurally he has a strong center. The king can retreat behind the central pawns and White's g5 bishop is getting in the way of any mating threats. Really almost impossible to dislodge the king from his fortress on e7. White then has targets all over the board. Black can force White's hand while developing pieces to better squares, and White's queen is just looking silly on h8 where the attack ends.
White's g5 pawn is getting in the way of his dark-squared bishop and any therefore any mating threats ** Typing errors abound for me today.
#7 I don't understand why you would throw away the bishop and then play Kh1?? Black has next move Rxf1+ after Kh1, now White is throwing away a bishop and a rook in your line and numerous checks to bully White's king around the board. And then Black can't be mated with the bishop and queen because the king is safe at e7 due to the knight protecting the g pawn. I think your proposed line has major flaws.

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