
Chess Puzzle Solution Correction

First, tahnks alot for Lichess team for making these puzzles from real games, most of them are excellent and the whole system is great.
Some comment about this puzzle :
The solution is Nxe5 Bxe5 Bc5 Qxa4 Bxf8 and white wins an exchange + comforable position.
What people solving the puzzle should really see is the critical variation Nxe5 Bxe5 Bc5 Qxb2 Rfb1! Trapping the queen. If after Qxb2 in this variation white tries to win the exchange again with Bxf8 black can simply play Kxf8 and get full compansation due to the strong bishop, and the position is totally unclear. Because of this Rfb1 idea the first move Nxe5 is so important, because if Bc5 is played immediatly with the same idea there is Nxf3+ Bxf3 Qxb2, and this time Rfb1 doesn't work due to simply Qe5(Nxe5 in the beggining actually takes the escape square e5 from the queen) and black gets good play as we described before.
Please change the solution to the Qxb2 Rfb1 variation, because people can solve the puzzle without really understanding it :)
So you're saying Qxa4 is a better move for black, but for the sake of a trapping queen move we should change the puzzle. I am missing something here....
"Please change the solution to "x variation", because people can solve the puzzle without really understanding it :)"

Imo that would apply to at least 20/30% of the puzzles...

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