
Best chess clock for 30 + 20

I play 30 + 20 online. What digital chess clock would you recommend for OTB that would replicate my playing style (adjustable bonus time per move)
Ideally, I would prefer a reasonably priced one with clear instructions and made to last.
What do you use?

For a simple 30+20 game, probably any digital clock would do, except some cheapest models which do not support increment (sometimes called "bonus" in the description) at all. (Surprisingly, there are models of digital clock that do not support any type of increment/delay.)

Personally, I decided not to take compromises and went for DGT 3000. In addition to all FIDE official time controls, it has five slots for custom controls which allow setting essentially anything, including controls with multiple periods of different types.

@pwstamps said in #1:
> Ideally, I would prefer a reasonably priced one with clear instructions and made to last.
You should be more specific. I'm afraid the interpretation of both "reasonably priced" and "made to last" is highly individual.
Also the DGT 2010 (or the DGT NA if you live in America) would be good for this, it has 1 manual spot for whatever time control you want. However, compared to the DGT 3000, it does not show seconds until the clock goes below 20min but I wouldnt really worry about that, its a really nice clock.

Also consider the DGT 2500, which replaces the 2010 and shows seconds like the 3000. The display on it looks fantastic! Personally I own a 3000 but I might as well use a 2010 like we do at the club, its a equally nice clock in my opinion

There are other clocks too, a brand called "Leap" that is cheaper than DGTs offerings. Good clocks, I dont now the exact model numbers though. And there are more expensive clocks too, like Chronos and Zmart etc which seems nice.

Have a look here and the shop around for the best price:

TL:DR Just get one of the DGT clocks mentioned, you will have a clock that can do what you want and hold up for a long long time :-)

Bonus tips on DGT:
See if you can find one used and include a search for the DGT XL. Its is basically a DGT 2010/3000 hybrid that can connect to a DGT board. Excellent clock does "everything". Does also not show seconds until it reaches 20 minutes, but again - its not a big deal imho
DGT 2500 or 3000 or a longbody Chronos. The Chronos GX will work also but you can NOT change the move counter after a game has started (a very strange oversight on the GX, that does not exist on the longbody), which could be a deal breaker if a tournament requires move counter to be on and someone makes an illegal move (best to just disable it on the GX and just go by scoresheet). The ZMF clocks (The ZMF-II's with the newest programming, as well as all of the newer ZMF versions) also work (and allow changing the move counter also). I don't know much about the leap and those cheaper clocks. I know some of the "PS-1688" chinese clocks have defective lever trigger points, where barely touching one side to push down activates the other side (with the lever still being almost completely up or down on that side), causing inconsistent operation and sometimes double inputs (move switches back to first player as 2nd side's signal was activated through the too soon trigger point). The good clocks have the switching point in the middle of the lever movement. The button versions of these clocks are also terrible for time scrambles or bullet as you have to press firmly in the center of the button or you may get no response.
Thank you for your recommendations. They are very helpful! Good chess! Pierre

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