
Give LM to those that donate >200 dollars

I think LM should be given to those that donate 200+ dollars. Maybe its just me but something special should be given to those excellent folks. Or maybe a super donation badge like a super GM but for donations :D
They already get sheriff's badge in their profile.
>Lichess Feedback.
Do you know who has the sheriff's badge? I would like to see it.
that's actually one of the paths to madness. "yeah guys, we're giving some advantages to our donators just to show our gratitude" and it all goes downhill from there, i've seen it multiple times
@Lightsss Yep. #Politics

But good intention noob2chess. Those users are very generous. They're also usually humble and would prefer no recognition :-) They do it for the love of the game.
Yeh. I donated a couple times my first donations were done anonymous. I gave around 50ish total I am not made of money so 200 is likely not happening anytime soon. And I do see lightsss point good and valid. Did not think of that myself. But I know TonyRo has given quite a bit and these users should be recognized somehow I think.
I don't think LM title has to do anything with chess skill. I have beaten some quite easily. I also lost quickly to players who have no titles. How many donation is required to get the LM title, the LM badge, and the lichess donor star? Are bitcoins accepted? TonyRo has all three! He must have donated a lot!
@Tangelo777 cheater mark cant be removed by donation as far as I know. If you cheat you get marked simple as that.

2. TonyRo I know donates approx every week from what I have seen. But to those that donate often or a lot they should get some special recognition. Not just since he has LM. Also what is the difference between LM badge and title are they not the same thing?

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