
Is "Lichess" stealing tournament rating points?

Well, it just happened that the answer is, sadly but truly, "yes" - I earned some 30 points at 2+0 user-created tourney held about approx 30 min. or so. Earned points were NOT added to my rating - checked & double checked...

Moreover, it looks not only that my points were "mysteriously" vanished from the face of the cyberspace, but the mentioned tournament "vanished" too, altogether (I just checked and there's no trace of that tournament!?) However, I believe that mentioned fact can be checked, verified and corrected by programmers, by looking at my last (autosaved, luckily) tournament games

If there's a bug about rating calculation I heartily hope it's going to be fixed ASAP. Should I add that such things distract and annoy players?

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