
Bug during game analysis

Once I've added a variation, when I use the arrow keys to scroll, the list of moves doesn't follow the game. It gets stuck on the point where I looked at a variation, until I delete the variation.

I'm using google chrome, if that matters.

I know that might be a bit unclear, so here are a few pictures:
so, here I hit the right key, and get to this point:
as well as moving to the next move, the move list has moved down one space.
but now here:
after creating a variation on move 16, I go back to the actual game, but the move list sticks at that point. I hit 'right', and the game goes to the next move, and then next move is selected, but the move list stays in the same place, so eventually the moves aren't shown on the screen.

it's very annoying

plz fix

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