
Training Puzzles [Brainstorming]

I was thinking about the puzzles.

Do you think there should be one clock or some "timer" bonus / malus?

I mean, if you take 15 mins to solve one puzzle you can't be as good as one player taking 2 mins. But without any time control you will take the same points with the glicko algorithm.

So how can this be manageable?

In my opinion there could be 2 solutions:

1. Just using a countdown clock

2. Using a bonus/malus system

Something like this *Just for brainstorming*

a. You take the average solving time for the puzzle as X.
b. You take the theoric glicko rating increment (if you win the puzzle) as Z.
c. You take the player solving time for the puzzle as Y.
d. The real rating increment will be: (X/Y)*Z

So for example with numbers.

The average solving time for the puzzle is 100s (X).
The theoric rating increment for winning the puzzle is +10 (Z).
The player's solving time is 50s (Y).
The real rating increment will be: (100/50)*10 = +20

The player's score is increased by twice because he was twice faster than the average.

(also... why if you take more than 300s to solve one puzzle, the timer doesn't go over 300s?)
I already find amazing the training area; even though I agree with this crazy guy but I guess is not so simple to implement, anyways if makes that change that would be interesting
well, it's seems this idea is not liked by anyone else hahaha
@ alrove, i find it more important to be very accurate when solving tactics in a concrete position rather than doing so in a guessing mode.

but if you want to speed up and challenge against others, there exists a free german site where you can train your blitz skills. i dont know, if its allowed to call the name of the site. im pretty sure you will find it.
as an Administrator of this site I think I will close this thread if there is not more feedback.
Wrong task No. 3923.The best move is 1 ... Bg5-e3.

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