
Chess Puzzle Solution Correction

First, tahnks alot for Lichess team for making these puzzles from real games, most of them are excellent and the whole system is great.
Some comment about this puzzle :
The solution is Bf5. The computer plays after Bf5 the move Rxf5 and then Qxf5 and white is simply an exchange up, but this is still the objectively best variation for black.
In order to solve the puzzle really, one should see the tricky variation Bf5 Qh5 g4! Qe8 Re3!! traps the queen. Even the FIDE Master in the game the puzzle is taken from missed Re3, so people can just play the intuitive Bf5 and solve the puzzle which is wrong.
yeah, it's not the only puzzle that is like that. Sometimes you dont grasp the big idea and the next move seems weird (such as Qxf5)
maybe if people would notify lichess on every such puzzle slowly they will improve :)

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