
Counter players who lag out or leave cause sad?

Obviously, people have to leave their game for a variety of reasons and they can't resign cause of network or RL issues. But when they let their time run out to "punish" or waste their opponent's time --- that's royally messed. Is it possible to introduce a feature, whereby if you're still thinking after 2 min, you have to click a button or something.... Maybe have an opt-out tickbox to enable it for bullet games after 30 seconds.

Just a way so that we're not left wondering, and if you have an RL emergency, the game will abort itself to a draw if the AFK is real.
With or without rating gains/losses? Some might abort against a higher player just for the rating gain.

Just a thought.
If such a "dead man's button" was introduced, not clicking it should result in a loss imo. Otherwise ppl could still let their time run out in lost positions (as they'd be happy to get a draw).

Also, the time after which that button appears as well as the time you have to click it should depend on the game's length. If I'd have to click it each time I go into a 5min+ think in a classical game, I'd find that seriously annoying.

Also, as someone pointed out when I suggested sthg similar, the trolls that do let their time run out might just keep clicking the button to confirm they're not afk.

And if someone leaves the site (e. g. b/c the internet connection broke), Lichess detects that anyway and will give you an option to claim a draw or a victory. (I think adding a 3rd option to abort (without point loss / gain) would make sense though.)
I agree, the remaining player should have the option to abort the game when an opponent disconnects. And you're also right, that running out of time on the still-playing button should result in a loss.

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