
General bash on cheaters.

1: you have a limited amount of time on this earth, then you die.
this is life... if you want to waste your hours playing a chess-game for a computer, is ok... but i feel sad for you, because you have wasted your life.. for nothing..
2: you just move what the cpu tells?
- why even bother, you could haven been kissing a girl, lauging and telling jokes but no... you just listen to the program....
you are a slave to the machine... and you suck... and you are the reason that mankind is doomed...

all you who break their minds trying to learn and understand this game, big credits and handshakes.
to the cheats, hope you die miserable and alone, as cheats deserve.
i was about to agree with you completely, but that last sentence... come on :)
Poor kid... hating and wishing death upon people he's never met because he thinks the other guy is cheating. Imagine what happens when he really gets upset. That's the kind of guy you kick out of the jury pool in a criminal defense trial. Or give him a weapon and send him to fight your wars for you. Oh wait, no... these kind of people are usually cowards, my bad. They don't play chess at a park against real people (too dangerous to fling accusations). Much safer to fling verbal fireballs into a virtual crowd :)

Sorry, couldn't resist :)
1.I like your competitive spirit , every good player has it.
2.But every good player can also control their emotions. try to work on that
3. Be careful of what you say against the machines , one day they will rule the world, you dont want to make them angry
4 hoping for someone to die without mentioning specific time limits is pointless, we all gonna die after all.

Now as for your punishment

I punish you to download and read Karpov's My Best Gmes volume 1 or if you want something more recent try Gelfands positional decision making (although this is going to be quite tough)
And i dont want to see any of this talk from you again. Not here, not in real life. Being polite is a sign of class and strength, and being rude is quite the opposite.
I doubt the kind of people who use a computer to play chess for them could have been kissing a girl instead...
I put plastic female lips on my keyboard instead of the numpad and now I don't cheat anymore
Why is it that most people who talk about cheating (complaine) cheat the most.

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