
Too Difficult for Stockfish to Solve this.

ChessAnalysisPuzzleTacticsChess engine
fun Puzzle

First of all, look at this.

Mate in 8. But it is difficult for SF to solve it.
I created this puzzle many years ago. How did I came up with it? I saw legendary Polugaevsky - Torre game.

After 21.fxg5 h8R is trapped. But master expained like this "Human think h8 rook is pointless. But engine doesn't think so. Evaluation is not too high because of evaluating h8R is five. It is false in real board"
It is fun fact for me, then I came up with this idea. And I have some hope to find cheaters.
I hate cheaters. So I want to distinguish experienced player from cheaters. This puzzle is difficult for engines and cheaters but club player can solve it. I believed.

Engines think like this "Oh, I'm terribly behind in material.I have to TAKE SOME PIECES. I find d8R is hanging." Then they calculate 1.cxd8=Q or 1.cxd8=R like this. But pointless calculation!
Human think like this "Oh, I'm terribly behind in material. I have to MATE BLACK KING somehow. I find black can't move forward. He can only shuffle rook. I have a lot of time to promote a6 pawn. So... I find solution!"

Thank you for reading.